Blogs & Stories

Hello! Finally, I'm flying to Africa this afternoon and will arrive Aweil by tomorrow afternoon. Due to some changes of arrangement in operations, I have stayed in Paris for eight days. But this gives me a chance to have revision of all my war...
1. What are conditions like on the frontline? © WANG Ya/ MSF Right now things are still quite tense. The isolation ward MSF has constructed operates around the clock. From August until today (December 11) at 10 o'clock, we have treated 113 patients...
[caption id="attachment_28" align="alignright" width="300" caption="© Sven TORFINN Two men with guns are guarding their cattle against cattle raiders."] [/caption] After the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement between the north and the...
My first journey to Africa was on 8th May, the plane landed safely in Nairobi international airport after 10 hours flight from Brussels. The next morning, I took another flight to Juba, the capital in South Sudan. The plane flew through a huge piece...
© Ryan Jose E RUIZ I just had been to Ethiopia for just almost 3 months and was still getting used to the change in my lifestyle. My first few months started well enough, the sun was shining, cool breeze billowing, the exotic birds singing, egrets...