Blogs & Stories

© Ryan Jose E RUIZ Hello MSF Volunteers and Staff, Greetings from the cold, wet and unusually heavy rains of Ethiopia. Counting this day, I have been here in Ethiopia for exactly one month. Time flies and the time spent working with MSF has never...
© Joyce CHING If I were to forget everything else about Ethiopia, the memory of Abdi would remain. His persistent determination to live was truly honourable. Abdi was skinny and around fifty years old. He had been suffering from a swollen abdomen...
© Joyce CHING A month after returning to Hong Kong, I have gradually reintegrated into the cosmopolitan life here. Yet memories of Ethiopia remain fresh in my mind. I first met Weli, a four-year-old boy, in a tuberculosis clinic. That was the second...
© Joyce CHING During the nine months that I worked in the remote Somali region of Ethiopia, I sometimes met Chinese working for a petroleum extraction company. They travelled half way across the globe to work for Sinopec to extract oil in this...
© Joyce CHING In June 2006, I started my journey to Ethiopia in the horn of Africa to work for MSF, and stayed there for 9 months. MSF had set up a medical centre in a small town called Cherrati in Somali region in Ethiopia to provide basic medical...