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無國界醫生 Médecins Sans Frontières
Field News

MSF launches new report “Dadaab: Back to square one”

17 Feb 20122 Read Time
© Brendan BANNON
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) launches a new report called “Dadaab: Back to square one.” The international medical humanitarian organisation takes stock of the current humanitarian situation and operational challenges in Dadaab, Kenya, home to the world’s largest refugee camp. The open report also reviews the emergency response MSF provided throughout 2011.

“MSF now faces this dilemma: we want to continue to work in Dadaab, as the humanitarian situation is extremely serious; however, we are held back from deploying an adequate response given the insecurity of the situation.  ,” says Laurent Ligozat, MSF deputy director of operations.  “For the time being, we have chosen to focus our activities predominantly on vital medical care.  We are also prepared to expand our activities as soon as conditions allow.”

Since MSF has returned to Dadaab in early 2009 to take over healthcare in Dagahaley camp, the organisation has repeatedly spoken out about the refugees’ desperate living conditions, and their need for humanitarian aid, protection and dignity. Today, MSF is again ringing the alarm bell.

“Refugees need protection and care as their lives are becoming more difficult everyday. Their health is at risk of deteriorating rapidly while humanitarian aid agencies are struggling to provide meaningful assistance on an ongoing basis in an increasingly insecure context,” says Dr. Monica RULL, an MSF programme manager for Kenya and Somalia.

The refugees in Dadaab – and others on their way – need more than ever the continuous support of the UNHCR, the Kenyan government and humanitarian organisations to be able to survive. It is the responsibility of the decision makers to find solutions to reverse current trends, where refugees are paying the price for a conflict they are trying to escape and are at risk of becoming victims of the system that should assist them. The priority should remain providing assistance and protection to the thousands of refugees in front of our eyes.

MSF is doing everything it can to bring about the safe release of Blanca Thiebaut and Montserrat Serra, the two MSF staff who were abducted in Dadaab, Kenya on 13 October 2011, while providing humanitarian assistance to Somali refugees. MSF calls on all Somalis – the diaspora, community leaders and especially the authorities in control of areas in Somalia where our kidnapped colleagues are being detained – to do everything possible to facilitate their safe release.

Field News

Dadaab refugees trapped in the conflict

20 Feb 20122 Read Time

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