Occupied Palestinian Territory

Marie-Aure Perreaut Revial has recently returned from Gaza, where she worked as the emergency coordinator for MSF. Here she bears witness to the experiences of the MSF staff and patients she met during her time there…

Amid ongoing heavy fighting and bombing in Khan Younis, south Gaza, vital medical services have collapsed at Nasser hospital, currently the largest functioning health facility in the enclave. Médecins Sans Frontières deplores a situation in which people have been left with no options to go for...
Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) condemns in the strongest possible terms the January 8 strike on an MSF shelter, which led to the death of the five-year-old daughter of an MSF staff member. Yesterday morning, a shell, resembling that from a tank, broke through the wall of the...
[Update on 6/1] After days of artillery fighting in #Gaza's Middle Area and following late morning evacuation order flyers dropped by Israeli forces for neighborhoods around #AlAqsa hospital where MSF works, MSF took the difficult decision to evacuate staff and their families from the area. “It is...
After days of negotiations and delay, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that the parties to the conflict allow and facilitate safe and unhindered humanitarian access at scale to Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The vote was 13-0 in favor of the resolution, with the...
On December 8, the United Nations Security Council failed to adopt a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza—blocked by a veto from the United States. The Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. This followed a letter from the UN Secretary-...
Since the fragile truce in the Gaza Strip, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, collapsed on 1 December, aerial and ground attacks by Israeli forces have resulted in hundreds of people killed and injured. Two hospitals supported by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – Al-Aqsa in the Middle Area and...
Médecins sans Frontières has recently issued an open letter to the governments and principal officials of various countries, urging them to exert all means within their power to ensure an immediate and sustained ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and to demand that the Israeli government stop the deadly...
Médecins sans Frontières is horrified by the killing of two MSF doctors, Dr Mahmoud Abu Nujaila and Dr Ahmad Al Sahar, and a third doctor working with Al Awda, Dr. Ziad Al-Tatari, following a strike on Al Awda Hospital, one of the last remaining functional hospitals in Northern Gaza. Our thoughts...
On 18 November 2023, an MSF staff’s relative died and another one was injured in an attack on an MSF convoy trying to evacuate 137 people - MSF Palestinian staff members and their families. They were trapped for a week in MSF premises located near Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. MSF condemns in the...
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