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無國界醫生 Médecins Sans Frontières
4.2.1 Issues Of Focus Medical Ebola Topimage Desktop

Medical Activities


Ebola is rare but deadly, spreading fear and panic. Caring for infected patients and affected communities is crucial for a response to be effective.

Outbreaks can kill 25 to 90 per cent of those infected. Until recently, there were no tools to prevent or treat Ebola; today a preventive vaccine and curative drugs are available. MSF has responded in almost all reported outbreaks over the past years. 


The 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa was unprecedented: 67 times the size of the largest previously recorded outbreak, it reached urban areas, and killed more than 11,300 people. Hundreds of health workers died, decimating the already-struggling healthcare systems of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. 


Since then, the Democratic Republic of Congo has experienced a succession of outbreaks since March 2018.