無國界醫生 Médecins Sans Frontières
4.1.1 Desktop Burundi



In Burundi, Médecins Sans Frontières responds to malaria and cholera outbreaks, while also working to improve trauma care and treatment for neglected diseases.

After supporting L’Arche Kigobe, a private facility in which we provided care for victims of trauma in Bujumbura, for more than five years, we withdrew from the facility in February 2021 and entered into a partnership with Prince Régent Charles Hospital in order to transfer our skills there. 


At Prince Régent Charles Hospital, we reinforce the treatment of people with moderate and severe trauma by providing medical training, donations and financial support.


Our teams also undertake initiatives to help prevent malaria, including through large-scale indoor residual spraying (IRS) campaigns, in areas such as Ryanzoro and Kinyinya.