無國界醫生 Médecins Sans Frontières
4.1.1 Desktop Yemen



After more than eight years of war, the conflict in Yemen continues to take a devastating toll on the Yemeni people.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working to address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Yemen, providing lifesaving care to people injured in conflict, and responding to surging rates of malnutrition and preventable diseases.​

The weak economy and high inflation have led to many people being unable to afford the needs for everyday life, including safe drinking water, food, shelter, sanitation, and fuel.  ​

The healthcare system is near collapse and healthcare services are limited; there are chronic shortages of supplies and equipment, and medical staff are not receiving salaries, or do so but on an irregular basis. These issues have resulted in many public health facilities becoming non-functional, leaving huge numbers of people unable to access even basic healthcare. ​

Our teams provide lifesaving care to people injured in the outbreaks of violence, in addition to treating patients suffering the long-term effects of war, such as mental health, malnutrition and difficulties in accessing essential services, such as mother and childcare. We also respond to disease outbreaks including for measles, cholera and diphtheria.​