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無國界醫生 Médecins Sans Frontières
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Crossing frontlines, together 


In places facing war and epidemic, in the face of natural and man-made disasters, there are no miracles nor fairy tales. The people working in the frontline medical projects with important expertise are not almighty heroes, but ordinary field workers who still strive to move forward in the face of countless challenges. For the past three decades, professionals from Hong Kong and beyond have crossed borders and pushed boundaries to work with MSF. They get on MSF's 4WD vehicles on the front line (or other transportation or by other means) to reach communities in need of medical assistance amid conflicts, epidemics, disasters and policies of exclusion, and provide independent and impartial lifesaving medical care. Those who cannot go to the field also add momentum to our humanitarian aid in different ways. Thanks to the Hong Kong public - you have helped us to reach the heart of the crises for all these years!     




MSF in Hong Kong

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In 1994, MSF set up the office and the association in Hong Kong to recruit medical and non-medical staff from Hong Kong and many other Asian regions to work in our projects around the world. What binds these committed professionals is the adherence to the principle that common humanity entitles everyone to medical care, and that care should be provided impartially and without distinction to save the lives of people in danger. 

During the last 30 years MSF Hong Kong has contributed to the response to many medical humanitarian crises in the past, including responding to medical needs of Vietnamese refugees in Hong Kong, the war in Afghanistan, the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong, the tsunami in Indonesia, the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, and the COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your interest and steadfast support to MSF over the years. You enable us to carry out our medical mission guided by principles of independence, impartiality and neutrality in emergency situations. 


The generosity of the Hong Kong public helps us maintain our financial independence.  When a crisis erupts, we can immediately conduct medical assessments and start saving lives without waiting for funding from authorities and institutions or be subject to influence by any force in our decision-making. We can launch our humanitarian relief based solely on medical needs - irrespective of race, religion, creed or political convictions. Your support helps us uphold the principles guiding MSF’s action to which we have stayed true to for decades. 





Dedicated to assisting the neglected groups with the most urgent needs

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In 2023, MSF offered routine vaccinations to 4.62 million people, treated 3.72 million malaria cases, and conducted 16.46 million outpatient consultations in more than 70 countries and regions around the world. We made the most effective use of your donations under different challenges to assist people with most urgent medical needs.


MSF is still working round the clock to help people facing dire medical humanitarian crises, including vulnerable people affected by the war in Gaza, the conflict in Sudan, the war in Ukraine , the Rohingya refugee crisis, violence in Haiti, and the migration crisis in the Central Mediterranean. MSF Hong Kong has recruited and dispatched international mobile staff conducting relief work in all of these regions among people in distress. In addition to these better-known emergencies, we also respond to a range of medical needs and crises that receive less attention, such as neglected tropical diseases, non-communicable diseases, as well as the conflicts and malnutrition situation in other developing countries.

In 2023, MSF had


departures of international mobile staff to the field projects


~263M (HKD)

allocated for emergency and medical programmes in various countries



newly recruited professionals in the Southeast Asian region to join our relief work

Cross frontlines to save more lives, together

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In the face of unpredictable disasters, we race against time to save lives at the frontline of medical needs; when resources are urgently needed, we need your support to save lives together. Your support can extend our worldwide relief work. Even if you cannot do frontline medical humanitarian work, your awareness and sharing of media coverage of humanitarian crises and our work matter. We would be even more grateful if you can donate online to become our relief partner, or send a gift from the MSF Warehouse as your regards to the wounded and the sick. If you have the professional knowledge required for humanitarian aid settings, please join us and become part of the international mobile workforce! 



In the future, we will strive to go further to provide essential medical care that people are entitled to even in crisis settings, regardless of their social status and nationalities. As the space for humanitarian work is being constantly squeezed by laws, policies and practices in different countries, we have a stronger reason to persist what MSF has been doing. Please join us to support our humanitarian work and achieve more milestone with us.