
MSF has opened a new hospital at the heart of vast Kutupalong-Balukhali camp providing refuge to some 700,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Not hard to find, as it is on one of the many hills that form the landscape of Cox’s Bazar, its name says it all: “the hospital on the hill”. Construction...
In the eastern Ukrainian village of Opytne people are living without access to healthcare or essential medications. The frontline village lies in Ukrainian government-controlled territory, opposite the destroyed Donetsk Airport now in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. Without...
Conference for the Rohingya Refugee Crisis organized by OCHA, IOM and UNHCR and co-hosted by the European Union and Kuwait. In the piece below she describes her recent visit to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, where a refugee crisis is unfolding after renewed violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar. “Almost 600...
An urgent scale-up of aid is needed in the northern district of Abs, the area worst affected by Yemen’s cholera outbreak, according to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). The disease is spread by contaminated water, so water and sanitation activities are particularly vital to...
Interview with Jean-Guy Vataux, MSF Head of mission in Libya MSF is providing assistance to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Libya. Most of them have been robbed, taken under the control of criminal networks, abused, jailed, beaten up or tortured. Some have died. Since July 2016, MSF has...
Malnutrition and paediatric treatment underway in Galkayo North Nearly four years after withdrawing its teams from the country, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has restarted treating patients in Somalia. MSF is once again providing support to Mudug Regional Hospital, Galkayo...
The international response in Uganda is failing refugees and must prioritise life-saving supplies such as food and water to prevent a medical emergency, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said . Governments and international organisations are meeting in Kampala on 22 and 23 June...
As fighting intensifies for control of the Syrian city of Raqqa, people must decide whether to remain in the city and surrounding villages under heavy bombardment, or leave the area by crossing active frontlines and minefields, says Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders (MSF). “Parents...
Interview with Bart Bardock, Nigeria Emergency Response Unit (NERU) Project Coordinator. NERU has been working since February in Nigeria’s Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi and Niger states collecting samples, doing surveillance work and supporting the national vaccination campaign to reduce the impact of the...
Teams from Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are continuing their assessments of areas of Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew on the Tiburon peninsula as well as the Artibonite and Northwest departments. In Jérémie, MSF found that the reference hospital has suffered damage and...
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