
In a report released today Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the largest provider of HIV treatment in Myanmar (1), highlights the critical need for increased HIV and Tuberculosis (TB), including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), treatment in the country. According to the report, 85,000...
“There’s no hiding from the fact that treating people with drug-resistant TB is a long, difficult and complex process. But it can be done – people who get treatment are cured and can go on with their lives once more – but it needs a firm political and financial commitment..” - Dr. Frauke JOCHIMS,...
“There are funding gaps across global health that could be plugged with money from a financial transaction tax. It’s time to invest in real lives – real futures.” - Sharonann LYNCH, HIV/AIDS Policy Advisor, MSF Access Campaign Progress in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria under threat as health...
Dr Unni Karunakara, International President of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) In the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria, we should be dealing a knock-out blow. The Global Fund must call an emergency donor conference so countries can reverse these killer epidemics. When the Global Fund to Fight AIDS...
MSF response to the funding crisis at the Global Fund In a move that could have a profound impact on patients in developing countries, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria has announced it won’t be accepting any grant applications this year to support treatment programmes because of a...
MSF response to unprecedented decision to cancel funding round of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, taken at board meeting in Accra, Ghana, November 21-22, 2011 Because donor funding for global HIV/AIDS and the Global Fund has been declining, the Fund is in the most dire financial...
On 14-15 April 2011 more than one hundred tuberculosis experts came together in Tashkent to discuss their experiences with and the challenges around scaling up tuberculosis (TB) care in the Central Asia region. In the end, everyone agreed: urgent action is needed. The symposium "Uniting to Scale up...
Tuberculosis: progress in screening, South Sudan: A nation facing major challenges, Fistula: The backyard disease, Mali: vaccinating against meningitis epidemics, HIV/AIDS -- marching for generics
MSF report says fixing drug supply and price problems is urgent A promising new diagnostic test will finally help detect more people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), increasing the urgency to solve major problems around the pricing and supply of DR-TB medicines, according to a new report...
A new test for tuberculosis that became available in 2010 will make diagnosing a curable disease that kills nearly two million people every year much faster, easier and more precise. At present, confirming that a person has TB usually involves a 130-year-old test to examine the phlegm patients...
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