Central African Republic

Behind the scenes in the kitchens of Bossangoa hospital. © Charlotte Sujobert/MSF
A 41 per cent of people in Central African Republic (CAR) do not have enough food, according to a United Nations report in 2023. Between October 2022 and August 2023, it was estimated that nearly 298,000 children aged 0-59 months and more than 140,600 pregnant and breastfeeding women suffered from...

Patrick Baffoun has worked as an MSF administrator at the country coordination level but is strongly drawn to being as close as possible to the project.

The e-CARE application has been developed by MSF to help healthcare professionals improve their ability to diagnose children. Set up in a health centre in the Ouaka prefecture, Central African Republic, this electronic device uses an algorithm to suggest treatments better suited to the health...
After the start of the war in mid-April in Sudan, 13,800 people fleeing violence arrived in CAR, according to the UN: they are mostly Sudanese refugees, but also Central African nationals who had fled their country during different periods of crisis. While the first refugees chose to settle in the...
Since the escalation of violence in Sudan, MSF has been working in 12 states: Khartoum, Kassala, Al-Jazeera, West Darfur, North Darfur, Central Darfur, South Darfur, Red Sea, El-Gedaref, Blue Nile, White Nile, and River Nile. We continue to adapt and scale up our emergency response in areas we are...
Successive waves of violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) have forced people to flee their homes, leaving everything behind. They continue today to endure the adverse effects of years of armed conflict. In Bria, where the country’s largest internally displaced people’s camp is, many of...
In October 2022, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) ended our longstanding medical project in a violent hotspot in the northwest of Central African Republic (CAR). Here are some highlights from our activities over the past 16 years. 1- A project from the coup d’État of 2003 Kabo is a town of 60,000...
Bangui, 31 May 2022 – A staff member from Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) died on Saturday 28 May after being shot three times by an individual employed by the armed forces of the Central African Republic (CAR) in the northwestern prefecture of Ouham. MSF condemns this...

At our Tongolo project in the Central African Republic, survivors of sexual violence can find both physical c

A coalition of non-state armed groups took control yesterday of Bangassou, a town in the southeast of Central African Republic (CAR). This attack in Bangassou further restricts people's access to essential medical care and comes amid the sharp deterioration in security and escalation of violence...
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