Since September 2007 renewed fighting in North Kivu has caused massive displacement in the region. A ceasefire agreement signed in January 2008 was not respected, and by the end of August large-scale fighting had broken out again in the region between various armed groups and the Congolese armed...
The first months of 2008 marked a period of further economic meltdown and political violence throughout Zimbabwe. While the country has been in crisis for years, the situation deteriorated to ever more alarming levels, with inflation of 231 million percent, shortages of essential goods, repression...
On May 2, 2008, Cyclone Nargis, in all its horror, threw Myanmar back into the international spotlight, devastating the Irrawaddy Delta and leaving an estimated 130,000 people missing or dead. Governed by a military regime since 1962 and enduring low-intensity conflict in certain areas, the...
Already struggling to survive with little or no access to even basic health-care services, Somalis experienced some of the worst violence in over a decade in 2008, with people in the central and southern parts of the country living under increasingly deteriorating humanitarian conditions. While...
A second cholera outbreak has hit Chegutu, a town 100 km west of Harare, where more than 100 people have died since the first cases appeared on 24 November. MSF arrived in Chegutu, which has a population of 55,000, on 12 December after being told that day of the cholera emergency there. The scene...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has seen more than 11,000 patients since August in Zimbabwe’s worst cholera outbreak in years and has opened dozens of cholera treatment centres throughout the country. Cases have been found in nearly all provinces. More than 500 national and international MSF staff...
The worse of the nutritional crisis that hit extensive areas of the southern regions of Oromiya and SNNP (Southern Nations and Nationalities People) in Ethiopia last spring seems to have passed, although there remain some isolated malnutrition hotspots. Patient admission numbers have steadily...
MSF has been treating cholera in Zimbabwe since the outbreak started in August and will continue to care for patients throughout the country as long as is needed. The outbreak has reached many provinces of the country and is greatest in Harare and its suburbs, where MSF has set up two cholera...
MSF CALLS FOR SCALE-UP OF PAEDIATRIC HIV CARE Nine out of ten children with HIV do not have access to life-saving antiretroviral drugs. Governments and donors need to be more ambitious in bringing existing paediatric HIV tests and drugs to the children who need them, says medical humanitarian...
Hundreds of thousands of people are on the run, fleeing a war that rages in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, in the provinces of North and South Kivu. They are frightened. Many are sick or wounded. Others have been harassed or raped, or have had everything they own stolen. The people of the...
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