Dear friends,
After attempting for almost two years to reach an agreement with China's TB Control Program, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has given up on its efforts to start a project in Inner-Mongolia for assisting people suffering from multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Though MSF was originally...
By Yasmin RABIYAN, Communications Advisor MSF I couldn’t get the stench of chlorine off of my hands. My shirt still smelled like cholera when I picked it up days after I returned from Zimbabwe. It is a peculiar smell, incomparable to any other I know. You will be hit by it when you enter a cholera...
Akram Abu HARBEED, 45, from Beit Hanoun My son is dead. We were in Gaza, at home with my uncle’s children, sitting on the floor. On The 3rd of January, at 7pm, a plane bombed us. Dr Carlos TROTTA, MSF surgeon We will clean the wound. And after the operation we’ll give him painkillers and...
Riyad, 19, is from the northern town of Beit Lahia, from Al Atatra, an area that was hit hard by the recent Israeli incursion into Gaza. On January 5, he was seriously wounded by a rocket and doctors had to amputate his left leg. Two weeks after the ceasefire, he is now receiving physiotherapy at...
Hugues ROBERT, Head of Mission in Philippines: "Since August 2008 and the rupture of the ceasefire between the government and the rebels in Mindanao, there has been recurrent fighting in the region. More than 200 000 people are still IDPs (internal displaced person) and they are staying in very...
Tens of burned villages; hundreds civilians stabbed or clubbed to death; men, women and children abducted. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) continues to unleash violence against the people of Haut-Uélé. The intensity of this targeted violence against civilians has prompted the humanitarian...
Two medical staff from the independent aid agency, Medecins Sans Frontières (MSF), were killed during fighting in Swat district, north-western Pakistan on Sunday, 1 February 2009. Riaz AHMAD (24) and Nasar ALI (27) had left Mingora, the main town in Swat valley, in two ambulances to collect people...
While many wounded people still require medical care, particularly surgical procedures or post-operative care, the population in the Gaza strip is also in need of social and psychological assistance. Twenty wounded have undergone surgical procedures in the MSF facility in Gaza city since the...
The story of Bilal, January 27, Gaza City Bilal, 14, is being helped by his father to drink a can of cola. Bilal is feeling better, about an hour after he was operated on by a surgical team in an MSF field hospital in Gaza City. It all started on January 6. Bilal was staying home, north of Gaza...
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