Dr. John Julyadharma is an Indonesian medical doctor working with MSF in the emergency relief operation in Padang, Indonesia, where an earthquake hit on 30 September. This is his report. "Not much damage." This was my first impression when I flew into Padang city on October 3 from Maluku Province,...
Nearly one month after an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is focusing its efforts on the most-affected area - the villages near Padang and Pariaman. MSF has set up mobile clinics, is giving mental health support to the survivors,...
What did you do today(Oct 6)?
"It makes me feel so sad of what happened here; people didn’t deserve this." Two weeks after a second typhoon hit the Philippines on October 3, several provinces in the northern island of Luzon are still reeling from the floods triggered by weeks of continuous rains. In Pangasinan and Tarlac...
On October 9, a devastating flood buried dozens of towns and villages under a thick layer of mud and killed hundreds of people in the province of Benguet, northern Philippines. The mudslides were the latest disasters brought by weeks of continuous rain in the region and two back-to-back typhoons (...
Dr. Erwin GUILLERGAN, a Filipino doctor sent out from MSF Hong Kong, is working with emergency team to provide medical assistance in flooding areas in Philippines. Hi everyone, It has been a week since we started the exploratory mission and assessment here in Laguna Bay. Initially it was difficult...
Flood water in the Indian states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh is receding, yet millions are still left homeless. Concerns are growing about the needs for shelter, food and protection against diseases such as malaria. MSF was one of the first international humanitarian aid organisations to...
One year after violence erupted in Haut-Uélé district, in northern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), attacks and clashes have now expanded to new areas, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to flee. Humanitarian organisations have failed to meet the massive needs that have resulted and an...
By 11:30 most patients in Ahmed Shah Baba district hospital, in eastern Kabul, have been seen. They tend to arrive early in the morning, queue up for consultations and treatment, and are back home before the hottest part of the day begins. Just before the staff take their lunch break, there is only...
The torrential and prolonged rains affecting the northern Philippines have provoked new destruction and human suffering. On 8th October, the province of Benguet was affected by hundreds of landslides causing around 180 deaths. The release of the water from a dam which had reached its capacity...
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