Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) has reached an agreement with the Afghan authorities to set up activities in two hospitals. The medical humanitarian organisation aims to start working in the Provincial Hospital of Helmand in Lashkar Gah, and the District Hospital in Arzan Qimat, Kabul province in...
In the early evening of Wednesday 24th June 09, a private vehicle, rented by MSF, was attacked in North Galcayo, Somalia, as it returned from referring a patient from one MSF facility in the South of the City to another in the North. During the incident, the female caretaker, accompanying the...
The international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) expresses its alarm over the lack of access to medical treatment for civilians during the current sectarian clashes in Kurram Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). In the afternoon of 22 June, a mortar hit the...
MSF is very sad to report the tragic loss of a member of its staff in the explosion. Our thoughts go out to his family at this time. Following a violent explosion in the western Somali town of Beledweyne on June 18, the hospital of the town, supported by Medecins Sans Frontieres, received a total...
Recent violence in Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has forced an estimated 2.1 million people to flee their homes. The majority have sought refuge in small, improvised camps or are staying with host families. Local resources in the region are overwhelmed by the influx of displaced...
A steady increase of civilian war casualties are reaching the main referral hospital in Pakistan’s Lower Dir district where MSF is working to provide emergency medical care. Coming mainly from neighbouring Swat, but also from the Mardan area in Lower Dir, a total of 159 war wounded have been...
Forced displacement, intimidation and abuse in Kutupalong makeshift camp Thousands of unregistered Rohingya refugees living in the Kutupalong makeshift camp, Bangladesh, are being forcibly displaced from their homes, in an act of intimidation and abuse by the local authorities. The international...
After nine years of providing health care for the population in Bakool region, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has reached the regrettable conclusion that we do not have sufficient security to continue our work. This decision was MSF’s alone and we were not expelled by the authorities. Our medical...
MSF moves to assist Rohingya living in unacceptable humanitarian conditions in yet another makeshift camp in Bangladesh Recently, MSF was alerted to a growing health crisis in the Kutupalong area of Bangladesh, where thousands of Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority originating from the northern...
Increased attacks on the civilian population have led to an influx of displaced people In the areas of Haut-Uélé and Bas-Uélé, in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ugandan rebels of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) have committed violent attacks in response to military...
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