German company appeals against life-saving compulsory licence decision in India German pharmaceutical company Bayer today heads to India’s Intellectual Property Appellate Board in Chennai in a bid to overturn a compulsory licence which has allowed more affordable generic versions of sorafenib...
South Sudan: a humanitarian crisis Uganda: Escaping conflict in Kivu Democratic Republic of Congo: Malaria outbreak Burkina Faso: malnutrition decrease Zimbabwe: HIV : from Washington to Harare
An emergency team from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is responding to an outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Isiro, northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). MSF’s team is implementing safety measures at the Ebola treatment centre in Isiro to contain the virus. So far there have been...
“This emergency is huge - I’ve never seen anything like it” Helen OTTENS-PATTERSON, from the United Kingdom, is a nurse and Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) medical coordinator in Maban county in Upper Nile State, South Sudan. MSF is the largest provider of emergency medical care for the more than...
Cholera is on the increase on both sides of the border between Sierra Leone and Guinea, in West Africa, aided by the onset of the rainy season. More than 13,000 people have been admitted to hospital in the capital cities of Freetown and Conakry since February, when the disease was declared an...
“Injured people started coming from everywhere” Surgical specialist Anna NOWAK has completed more than 20 missions with MSF. She has just returned from Syria, where she helped to set up the project. How did you manage to set up this emergency mission without official authorisation from the Syrian...
“Some arrived too late to be saved” Kelly DILWORTH, an MSF anaesthetist who has worked for MSF for nine years, has returned after a month on mission in Syria. She recalls the pain of the wounded people she was treating and the severity of their injuries in a context where it’s difficult to get...
“We’re getting good results”” Brian MOLLER is an anaesthetic nurse. He has been working with MSF for nine years and is today an emergency coordinator. This July, Brian managed the surgical hospital set up by MSF in Syria. What’s your point of view on what is happening in Syria? We’re working in a...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been working on the ground in Syria for the past two months, trying to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by the conflict. With the help of a group of Syrian doctors, in six days a team was able to transform an empty house into an emergency...
The distressing daily experience of the MSF team in Batil refugee camp is echoed in the just-released results of a nutrition and retrospective mortality survey conducted in the camp at the end of July. Tragically, some of the refugees whose family members had died before they reached Batil camp...
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