As novel coronavirus (COVID-19) overwhelms some of the world’s most advanced health systems, our teams are adapting our activities to aid those most at risk.

On various occasions since the Andaman crisis, including during the Bali Process, Malaysia and other South East Asian nations have emphasised the primacy of saving lives at sea. © Stéphane Coletti/MSF

In recent weeks, there have been numerous discussions in Malaysia related to the country’s ability to provide a safe haven for people in need of protection, after having survived a treacherous journey by sea.

MSF teams around the world are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, in both countries where we've previously worked, and those we haven't had to work in before. Here are our teams at work in pictures. Find out how we're responding to the COVID-19 crisis around the world. BANGLADESH — Nazrul Islam,...

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the quality and safety of personal hygiene products, including alcohol-based disinfectant products, have been brought to public attention.

How are you?” is the question I used to start the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) health education and mental health workshops in Hong Kong on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for the vulnerable populations in the past three months.

The COVID-19 pandemic cannot be said to have gone unnoticed as it crashes around the globe. But in the places it has hit hardest, the virus has made its way silently into all corners of society’s fabric. And it has taken one of the heaviest tolls in residential homes for elderly people, who need a...
Stephanie Goublomme is coordinating MSF’s COVID-19 response in care homes in Brussels, Belgium. She explains what her teams are seeing and why it's so important to provide support to care home staff.
Picture being forced to flee your home as armed conflict ravages your once relatively peaceful country. Last year’s harvests were poor and you’re already weak and vulnerable – but the annual food shortage season is still to come. It’s nearly impossible to see a doctor, with health centres closing...

Loaded like human cargo into a wooden fishing trawler, around 500 people attempting to reach Malaysia from refugee camps in Bangladesh were starved and beaten by people smugglers during a two-month voyage.

MSF is concerned about the spread of COVID-19 in Sudan and how it could affect the capacity of the health system, including the impact the disease could have on vulnerable people. We are particularly worried about immunosuppressed patients, people with other diseases and communities living in...
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