
MSF’s medical action in the PolyU
We have been receiving questions about Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)’s medical action in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) campus.
After ongoing work to assess whether MSF’s additional medical care would be required in Hong Kong, we made the decision independently to respond to the situation in the PolyU. 
Entry to the campus was severely constrained. MSF’s medical team was concerned about access to adequate medical care in the PolyU campus at times when other professional medics were not present. Patients’ health conditions could deteriorate. That is why our team negotiated access with the relevant authorities, including the police who were controlling the access, to be able to enter the campus late afternoon of 19 November, at a time when other medics were about to leave and there might otherwise have been a shortage of medical assistance.
Our team with medical doctors, a nurse and a logistician again negotiated access on 20, 22 and 23 November to the PolyU campus. In total, the MSF team assisted 29 patients on 19 and 20 November - presenting with signs of extreme fatigue, dizziness, distress, and minor wounds - and on 22 and 23 November no patients came to us for treatment.
As a medical organisation MSF makes operational decisions independently. Our decision to act is our own and we seek necessary permissions to gain access from relevant authorities.
MSF assists patients irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. 

