MSF appeals to assist the Iran earthquake victims

Donations for Iran: HSBC Account 002-6-398222

The international medical humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been providing emergency aid to the people of Bam in south-east Iran since the city was struck by an earthquake of 6.3 on the Richter scale on 26 December, 2003 causing more than 25,000 deaths and 100,000 injured.

In the evening of 26 December, an MSF team arrived in Bam to conduct an assessment with the Iranian Red Crescent Society and to help the most seriously wounded. Another three teams arrived Iran the next days and they have been working round-the-clock ever since. Two MSF teams in Bam have been supporting the two overwhelmed health structures in the city, while another team has been conducting assessments in the surrounding villages.

In the regional hospital of Kerman (200 km north of Bam), an MSF team mainly composed of three nephrologists from Brussels is treating patients with "crush syndrome" - an acute kidney condition which is caused when damaged tissues release massive quantities of toxins into the bloodstream. To reinforce the capacity of the team, a cargo freight plane left for Kerman yesterday, carrying six dialysis machines and other medical material, such as catheters and additional dialysis products. The team will also train the Iranian personnel to work with the new model.

Apart from 10 tons of additional supplies of mainly medicines, emergency materials, water treatment equipment which have been sent from Europe, the second batch emergency supplies - 15 tons of food items - was flown in from Dubai. Nine trucks with emergency materials, including hygiene kits, blankets and water & sanitation materials have been sent from the MSF projects in Baghdad (Iraq).

After careful assessment of the humanitarian situation in the past few days, MSF has decided to focus our activities on:

  • setting up and support of clinics and hospitals for the affected population
  • implementation of water and sanitation projects
  • distribution of blankets, water and food to the survivors
  • mental health support to the traumatized victims

To increase the capacity of our emergency relief programme, MSF appeals to the public in Hong Kong to donate for the victims of the earthquake in Iran. With the support of the general public, we will be able to continue our medical relief activities and alleviate suffering of the traumatized population.