MSF International Activity Report 2011

MSF International Activity Report 2011

In 2011, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) had operations in 68 countries. Close to 32,000 MSF staff worked in 436 programmes.
Almost 70% of operations were carried out in settings of armed conflict or instability. MSF ran mobile clinics, set up health centres, built hospitals and supported existing medical facilities to improve access to healthcare for people living in insecurity in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ivory Coast, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia and Sudan, among other countries. 
Teams also brought assistance to tsunami victims in Japan, earthquake survivors in Turkey and people affected by flooding in Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, the Philippines and Thailand.
Most programmes (62%) were in Africa, while 25% were in Asia and the Middle East, and 11% in the Americas. 
MSF’s 2011 Activity Report provides a global overview of operations during the year, giving details of the medical assistance provided in all the countries where we worked as well as a round-up of financial information.