MSF worker wounded in Somalia

A MSF car was attacked in Somalia at 1:00 pm local time on 12 March when several armed men opened fire on the vehicle wounding seriously one of the workers. Ali Mohamed Addow, who works as a security guard, was taken to hospital where he is recovering from a femur fracture. Other three employees where slightly injured in the incident.

The car was returning from supervising one of the primary health centres MSF has in Balcad, some 20 km north of Mogadishu, when it received several shots. The armed men took the mobile phones and personal belongings of the occupants such as money, as well as the car.

According to the information we have up to know, several cars were attacked in the same area so it seems to be an unintentional attack.

MSF is present in Somalia since 1991 and has 14 projects across Somalia.
