The Updated Information of MSF Relief Work

Including Indonesia, Sri Lanka & Burma

The MSF team report that 60% of the town of Banda Aceh is destroyed. The town is divided in two parts by the main road, and many survivors from the lower, coastal side of town have fled to higher grounds on the other side of the road. People make makeshift shelters from plastic sheeting. There is a scarcity of fresh water.

In total 79 tonnes of relief materials have been transferred from Medan to Banda Aceh. Three mobile teams are offering consultations in Banda Aceh. Two additional mobile teams are being transported by helicopter to the west coast of Sumatra to distribute medical supplies. The main pathologies are wounds, respiratory tract infections and skin diseases. MSF will increase its staff to 45 international and 125 national staff in the coming days.

Sri Lanka
Some roads are blocked, including many coastal roads and it is difficult to reach some affected areas. The MSF team will this week increase to 42 international staff. An additional 73 tonnes of relief materials (tents, blankets, jerry cans, medical materials, medicines) have arrived in Colombo.

Many of the main hospitals in Amparai district (pop. 50,000) have been completely destroyed or are badly affected. The MSF team has set up 13 mobile clinics and is in the process of setting up two field hospitals. Each mobile clinic is on average carrying out 150 consultations per day. MSF has distributed non-food items to 5,000 families. The team is also preparing to set up an epidemiological surveillance system to monitor the potential outbreak of epidemic diseases.

Myanmar (Burma)
Assessments have shown that the tidal wave did not severely hit the coastal belt, but there is limited information on some of the archipelago islands.

The official death toll on the coast is 34 persons (unofficially 90 deaths are reported). MSF will continue to assess the outlying island and provide medical assistance to some locations where the health structure is affected. Two mobile teams are sailing from island to island in the archipelago to assist the local population. Wherever necessary medical assistance is provided. The teams are progressing towards the south of the archipelago, towards Pan Daung and Wekyun islands.