Armed Conflict

Although the cease-fire and the humanitarian convoys have contributed to a decrease in humanitarian consequences of the conflict, the situation remains critical in many besieged areas, claims Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). “The catalogue of horror continues virtually unabated in many besieged...
Dr Evangeline Cua is a surgeon from the Philippines in MSF’s Kunduz Trauma Centre in Afghanistan when U.S. airstrikes destroyed the hospital on 3 October.
Saada is an area controlled by anti-government Houthi forces that was experiencing almost daily attacks from Coalition air forces. These air strikes were often close to our facilities and we clearly felt their effects.
The population in Leer, South Sudan, continues to live in fear of rape, looting and violence after at least four incidents were recorded in March. In the most recent incident on 14 March, 27 civilians – mostly women and children - fled to the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) compound seeking shelter...
A Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF)-supported medic based in a small town to the northwest of Idlib city, northwest Syria, explains the fear permeating his daily life as a medic, and the aftermath of a strike on a school - March 2015: By training, I’m a neurologist but over the past three years I have...
The attack in the Malakal protection of civilians site (PoC) on February 17th and 18th is another horrifying instance of brutality in a two year conflict marked by utter and unacceptable lack of respect for the lives and dignity South Sudanese civilians. According to multiple, factually-consisent...
Michiel Hofman, MSF Senior Humanitarian Specialist Shocking numbers of civilians are being killed and injured in Syria, with little accountability from the States involved – and in particular the United Nations Security Council, the majority of whose members are backing rival sides in the war. In...
Civilians are under relentless attack in Syria’s five-year-old conflict, with 1.9 million people under siege, borders closed to refugees and rampant bombings of medical facilities and heavily populated areas, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans...
(Update on 17 Feburary) The incident has killed at least twenty-five people , among them nine medical personnel,sixteen patients and caretakers,ten others were wounded. The building was completely desturcted. -------------------------- At least seven people were killed, and at least eight are...
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