
Abu Khalid is an orthopaedic surgeon and director of an MSF-supported hospital in besieged east Aleppo.
Fighting has intensified over the past three weeks and the long-suffering people of Aleppo city are bearing the brunt of the devastation. Continuous aerial attacks pound the east of the city, while shelling strikes the west, causing many casualties and injuries. The siege on east Aleppo has left an...
I could no longer count the times I was put in a stressful situation as part of my job at MSF.
Iris Leung works as a press officer for MSF in Hong-Kong.
This new attack threatens MSF medical mission Patients at a surgical hospital in Aden had to be evacuated and staff were forced to shut down the facility following tensions and shooting that took place in and around the compound on 27th September, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said recently. “Two...
Escalating violence has forced international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to suspend medical services in two out of three of its facilities in Pibor county in Jonglei state, South Sudan, leaving up to 90,000 people deprived of essential medical care. Due to the...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) expresses deep concern about the security of its surgical center in Aden after a group of armed men forcibly entered the hospital on Monday night (18th/19th June) and attempted to take away a patient, who was being treated in the emergency room. MSF staff tried its...
MSF Increases Treatment Capacity in Taï and Duékoué Following new attacks earlier last week near Taï, at the Liberian border, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has strengthened its treatment capacity in Taï and Duékoué hospitals in preparation for a possible influx of wounded patients. Health-care...
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