
In 2010, a particularly devastating “hunger season” in Niger threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of young children. The effective humanitarian response demonstrated just how far strategies to tackle malnutrition have improved in recent years. Five years ago, new strategies were introduced...
MSF teams in Niger are particularly on alert in the period between July and November. Malnourished children are at risk of contracting malaria and many who are already suffering from it become extremely vulnerable as a result of the combination. Malaria further reduces appetite among these children...
Top donor countries must end double standard of supplying nutritionally substandard foods to young children in malnutrition ‘hotspots’ The world’s top food aid donors, including the United States, Canada, Japan, and the European Union, continue to supply and finance nutritionally substandard foods...
World leaders meeting at the G8 and G20 summits will not succeed in improving mother and child health in the developing world unless they fundamentally change how they address malnutrition and establish new sustainable funding sources to combat this treatable and preventable condition, the...
As the World Food Summit draws to a close, the international community once again provides no commitments on tackling childhood malnutrition. World leaders have also failed to commit funds to directly target the malnutrition problem, despite pledges of $US 20 billion to support food security made...
Funding by rich countries to combat malnutrition has remained flat for seven years, according to a report released today by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). This barely accounts for three percent of the funds needed to reduce the 3.5 to 5 million annual deaths of children under five attributed to...
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