Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Ebola outbreak continues in the Equateur province, with one new laboratory-confirmed case from the city of Mbandaka, which has a population of more than a million and is a busy port city located on the Congo River. This new case is linked with the epicentre of the epidemic, the east of Lake...
Recent violence in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has displaced over 300,000 people from their homes, and awakened memories of the conflict that affected the region in the early 2000s. Houses have been burnt, around 200 people have been killed and scores of others wounded. The...
During the early morning of 4th December, several armed men broke into Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) compound in Mweso, in Masisi territory, North Kivu Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. They subjected the staff to violence and threats of kidnapping, before robbing the compound of money and...
One case of Ebola has been confirmed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the Likati health zone of Bas Uele Province in the north of the Democratic Republic of Congo. A total of nine cases, including three deaths are so far being investigated. On Saturday 13 May, in coordination with the...
An outbreak of yellow fever has been ravaging Angola since December 2015, raising fears that the disease will spread to other African countries or Asia. The limited stocks of vaccines constitute a particular challenge. Michel Van Herp, an epidemiologist with MSF, gave us an update on the situation...
In the DRC, MSF is vaccinating the entire population of the city of Matadi, while treatment and yellow fever vector control activities (destruction of the mosquitos) are under way in Kinshasa and in Kongo Central province. In Angola, Médecins Sans Frontières ( MSF) is supporting the Ministry of...
As Liberia today celebrates 42 days without any new Ebola infections - effectively marking the end of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on the global health community to draw on lessons learnt in order to be better prepared for future similar outbreaks. MSF is...
Caroline Voûte, MSF's coordinator of the response to the measles epidemic in Katanga updates on the current situation of the epidemic in this mining region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). If the disease appears to be declining in the territory, cases persist in other provinces and the...
In June, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) raised the alarm about the measles epidemic that has been raging in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since March. The situation has now deteriorated further and sufficient resources are lacking. With more than 20,...
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