Democratic Republic of the Congo

Thousands at risk of violence and malaria (18 July 2012) Heavy fighting over the last few days in Walikale, a town in the troubled North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has forced Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to suspend its medical activities despite the area being in the...
Since May, more than 25,000 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have crossed from North Kivu province into southwestern Uganda, fleeing clashes between the DRC’s army and rebel groups. On July 4, fighting neared border town Bunagana and the flow of new arrivals intensified. Vincent...
Fighting resumed in early July in the region of Rutshuru, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), after a brief lull. Rebels of the March 23, 2009 movement (M23) advanced towards the towns of Jomba Chengerero, Rwanguba and Bunagana until they took control of Rutshuru and Kiwanja on Sunday, July 8. "...
Despite the growing complexity of an already unstable situation in North Kivu, DRC, MSF continues to provide primary and secondary healthcare to the population, supporting 4 reference hospitals, 12 health centers, 4 health posts, several cholera treatment centers (CTC), weekly mobile clinics, and...
Triple-fold increase in cases since 2009; MSF can’t meet increasing caseload alone A massive increase in malaria cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is overwhelming existing prevention and treatment efforts, demanding an urgent and stepped-up response, the international medical...
Armed conflicts are intensifying in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, along with large troop movements. Members of the civilian population are the first victims, but aid actors are also directly targeted. "The situation is not stabilizing in Kivu. It is deteriorating again, and has been...
On the morning of Wednesday, April 4, two Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) staff members—Cedric, a nurse, and Marius, a logistician—were kidnapped near Nyanzale in North Kivu Province while traveling by car. Hours later, they were released unharmed. Given the seriousness of this incident, MSF...
Several regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are facing a serious outbreak of malaria. MSF teams are working in three provinces, supporting the Congolese Ministry of Health. So far, MSF has treated more than 17,000 people in Maniema, Equateur and Orientale Provinces. In DRC, malaria is...
International medical aid organisation returned to continue its medical care in Shamwana, Katanga Province, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on March 3, after it suspended its operations two days earlier due to fighting in the town that displaced the entire population. “There hasn’...
© Claudia BLUME/MSF
Alice ECHUMBE has shared her experience in Democratic Republic of Congo as the supervisor of Jamaa Letu Centre in Baraka South Kivu. In South Kivu, in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) runs a hospital in the town of Baraka, along with three...
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