
More than 2,000 white tents line the green hills near the village of Bambasi, in western Ethiopia. Since July, they have been home to 12,000 Sudanese refugees who fled their homeland and are now taking sanctuary from conflict in a camp established by the Ethiopian authorities and the United Nations...
MSF has handed over one of its largest projects for Somali refugees in Ethiopia. The number of refugees crossing the border has significantly gone down since the humanitarian crisis of last year. MSF initiated the project in Hiloweyn camp, one of the five refugee camps near to the border between...
© Michael TSEGAYE
By early 2011, Ethiopia received 40,000 refugees coming from Somalia. By the end of 2011, the number had gone over 142,000. A mass exodus triggered by a terrible drought killing crops and herds in a country undergoing a twenty-year conflict, which, far from receding, seems to be exacerbating by the...
“The emergency is far from over,” says MSF. Unless the capacity to deliver aid is rapidly increased, there will be significant problems in meeting the needs of Somalis fleeing to Ethiopia, the international medical humanitarian organisation MSF said today. Malnutrition and mortality rates have only...
Hadija Isaac ABDU toys with the plastic syringe that she uses to feed her severely malnourished three-year-old son at the MSF stabilisation centre in Malkadida refugee camp. “We are farmers; we grow corn and sorghum. We had cows. The crops failed because of the drought and when the cattle died we...
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