Other MSF staff

The Thwala family gathers around the small radio set to listen to the commentary of the 2010 FIFA World Cup tournament match kicks off. The excitement in the little four-roomed house is so huge, neighbours walking past can almost feel it.
There are six African teams in the World Cup 2010 - and another six in the HALFTIME! 5-a-side tournament planned for Friday July 2 in Johannesburg. Swaziland is one of the determined soccer teams of HalfTime!
Think of the global fight against HIV/AIDS as the deciding match during a global football tournament... The massive international response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic has reached the HALFTIME mark after a decade of impressive progress.
Three weeks after Haiti's devastating earthquake and it is time for Isabelle Jeanson, MSF Operational Communications Support, to depart.
In any tragedy there are always miraculous moments. A couple of those moments occurred today.
Things are slowly changing. In fact everyday when I walk into our office and our hospitals there are small noticeable changes and supplies are finally piling up in our storage, there is some order to the madness. MSF’s program is also evolving.
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