Including one nurse and one logistician Two experienced volunteers from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Hong Kong have left this morning to join the relief projects in the severely struck area of Aceh in Indonesia. MSF is one of the first organizations to start working in the highly devastated...
Please contact us if you have any enquiry Unfortunately some individual citizens have been using the name of Médecins Sans Frontières to allegedly recruit volunteers to work in the affected countries. In light of this development MSF like to state that: We have not authorized or delegated to any...
Update: Hong Kong Time 5:00pm 31/12/04 Sri Lanka A full charter with 40 tons is arrived Colombo. It includes water sanitation, medical and surgical material. There are 3 kits to set up hospitals to care for 30,000 people for three months. Another two charters are heading to Colombo. The situation...
Dears, The weather is very cold here...it snowed last Sunday while I was on holiday in Xinjiang.
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