Excess mortality, absence of medical care, and exclusion from care for a majority of patients where it does exist: Although peace has returned to much of the DRC, the health situation of the Congolese people today remains alarming. Far from improving, it has worsened in certain regions of the...
Dr. Tsz Wah TSE, private practitioner in Hong Kong, has been elected as President of Médecins Sans Frontières Hong Kong (MSF-HK) to replace Dr. Emily Ying Yang CHAN effective from 1 January 2006. Dr. TSE graduated from the Hong Kong University in 1995 and then worked with United Christian Hospital...
It is with great sadness that Médecins Sans Frontières learned of the death of two of its volunteers in the airline crash which occurred in Nigeria on Saturday, December 10. Hawah Kamara, 49, and Thomas Lamy, 30, were two of the passengers who perished in the crash. In total, 103 people died. They...
MSF Expresses Concern that Patients the World-over Will Have to Pay the Price Medecins Sans Frontieres today expressed alarm at the decision of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to amend the TRIPS Agreement based on a mechanism that has failed to prove it can increase access to medicines. The so-...
MSF gave cameras to two patients living with HIV/AIDS in Kibera, a vast slum in Nairobi, and asked them to document their lives in photos and words. > Photo feature
MSF calls for parents to make a wish to ensure the access to drugs for them Across the globe last year, 700,000 children were newly infected with HIV ¡V half a million of them live in Africa, compared to only 250 in Europe and North America. In developed countries with access to medicines and...
"Winter will be coming in a few weeks, we have to work ahead to make sure we can operate equally well in under zero condition." The international medical organiszation Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) continues to assist thousands of survivors in the remnants of mountain villages in Pakistani Kashmir...
MSF is urging Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the WTO, to investigate if the measures in place now actually work to increase access to essential drugs, in a world where new medicines become patentable everywhere. The World Trade Organization's TRIPS Council [Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual...
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