First it was lava, rocks and sand that fell from the sky, then came the rain. Guatemalans barely had time to recover from the eruption of Volcano Pacaya on the evening of the 27th May, before tropical storm Agatha, slammed into the country hours later. Overflowing rivers, collapsed bridges, roads...
After 33+ hours of travel, I arrived Port au Prince, Haiti on 3 June. From the airport to our project site, I can still see a lot of aftermaths from the earthquake four months ago.
Concerns about the risk of flooding in Belet Weyne during recent weeks materialised last weekend when the rising water levels lead to the displacement of over 10,000 habitants from the town. The displaced population sought refuge in an area approximately 10km to the east of the town. The MSF teams...
The mango season is coming to an end, but the heat persists.  It's 35 degrees Celsius, inside the office! Sweat is dripping down my face, down my arms, down my back.  There is nowhere to escape the heat.
Backtracking by international donors in funding HIV/AIDS risks undermining years of positive achievements and will cause many more unnecessary deaths, warns humanitarian aid group Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in a new report. Titled “No time to quit: HIV/AIDS treatment gap widening in Africa”,...
For more than a month, Walson and his wife have been keeping watch at the bedside of their five year-old son, Walderson, at the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Saint-Louis Hospital in Port-au- Prince. They take turns at the hospital while caring for their other three children. The family lives in...
Four months after Haiti's devastating earthquake, MSF's teams continue to adjust their activities to meet the changing, but still major, medical needs. The organization continues to provide primary and secondary care to the population at no cost, working out of approximately 20 sites and operating...
Ntabamhlope is one of my favourite clinics. And it’s not just the fascinating name that I enjoy. It’s the cross-country journey we take to get there. It’s the ancient, broad trunked tree in the corner of the compound.
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