
I knew it.
I arrived back here in Khost two days ago and have been busy making my way around the maternity saying ‘as-salamu alaykum’ to all the familiar faces.
Just my luck.
A three-months break and I’m back in Afghanistan! I landed with good sunny weather, early in the morning when the heat had not yet set in.
It was 3rd June when I arrived at Islamabad airport from my 3-day briefing from MSF Hong Kong.
In most projects, being the sole surgeon is always stressful, physically and mentally demanding. You need to carry out all kinds of intervention to save the lives or limbs of our patients.
Awien is a twelve-year-old girl. About a year ago, she started to feel pain in her right loin.
“Hey, if you all read or hear news about the demonstration and suicide attack in Khost today, don’t panic.
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