
It’s the fourth time in this week I was called back to hospital for emergency operation. Luckily, it was 8 o’clock on Sunday morning after my early morning run ( 37 minutes for 5 laps ) and breakfast.
It has been crazily busy in last three days. I had to return and perform emergency operations in two consecutive nights.
Hurrah! I had my first run in Port Harcourt this evening. It’s a Sunday afternoon. It’s the Nigerian Presidential Inauguration Day. It has been quiet so far.
It’s a Saturday evening. It rains almost everyday during the week. It’s rainy season in Nigeria from June to September. Port Harcourt is in the Niger River Delta. It has one of the most rainfall in Nigeria.
It’s great I have my own bedroom today after some other expatriate left. We finished work today early and returned home at 7:30pm. I had time to unpack my baggage. It’s a nice, tidy room with shower and hot water supply.
I experienced the power of tropical storm yesterday. There was already raining in morning. We started our ward round a bit late in Sunday morning. Then we had a short case needed operation. The pouring rainfall came while we were in hospital.
It's 6am in Sunday morning of Port Harcourt. It's easier to connect the internet. I have to go back to hospital but can start later today.
I came to Teme Hospital , Port Harcourt on Wed (18th) morning and started working after a short briefing and hospital tour.
I've finished the briefing in MSF France office and will depart for Abuja, Nigeria this morning. I'll stay in Abuja tonight, then fly to Port Harcourt on Wednesday.
I have been in Kinshasa, the capital city of the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) now for almost 1 month, working in the MSF Coordination Office.  I am here as the Financial Coordinator of one of the largest missions of MSF.  I can say that it
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