Blogs & Stories

I’ve been to lots of developing countries, but have never seen anywhere like this. Walking into the centre is disconcerting – in any capital city you expect a minimum level of traffic and infrastructure, but here there is virtually nothing. The odd...
Yesterday I had the most unforgettable moment in my life as a man came to greet me during my project visits to the outreach clinics. This man was not any ordinary man, but with a hooked arm just like Captain Hook from Peter Pan. He was one of the...
Thursday and Friday were very difficult for our team as many of our local staff working in the Cholera Treatment Centre (CTC) couldn't come to work due to the violence on the streets. In fact, since the week of the election, we anticipated the chaos...
Finally, the coordination team decided to move me to the project today. The security situation is still very bad - we heard gunshots and bombs quite close to our office yesterday, and the police or the MUNISTAH used tear gases to control the...
The noises of protests, gunshots, sirens of police patrol cars and ambulances surrounded my little tent during the whole night... After the announcement of the results of the first round presidential election last evening, quite some violent...