Blogs & Stories

Stephanie Goublomme is coordinating MSF’s COVID-19 response in care homes in Brussels, Belgium. She explains what her teams are seeing and why it's so important to provide support to care home staff. “I was on the phone with the director of a care...
Loaded like human cargo into a wooden fishing trawler, around 500 people attempting to reach Malaysia from refugee camps in Bangladesh were starved and beaten by people smugglers during a two-month voyage. All of the passengers were ethnic Rohingyas...
On March 24th, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) began providing medical support to assist the health authorities with fighting the COVID-19 epidemic in Paris and the suburbs and also ensure access to routine medical care is maintained for people...
MSF's mobile clinic as seen in an IDP camp in northwest Syria. © Omar Haj Kadour
Not so long ago, COVID-19 was not yet making headlines worldwide. On the TV news, you’d watch reports on various non-pandemic-related topics. Many of these concerned the humanitarian situation in Idlib province, in northwest Syria. The Syrian war...
In late February, the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Africa. Today, the new coronavirus has spread to 42 out of 54 countries on the continent. Burkina Faso, Senegal and Cameroon, which are among the worst affected countries, have already...