Blogs & Stories

Before fleeing the advances of the Islamic State (IS) group, Baroj worked as a specialist nurse in the intensive care unit of Salam hospital in Mosul, northern Iraq. When the militant group overran his home city in June 2014, he and his family fled...
Australian Robert Onus is the field coordinator for the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) project in Abou Ghraib, Bagdad. As the conflict in Iraq rages on he describes the situation facing the Iraqi people and the program of MSF to address the medical...
Ahmad Al Rousan was on MSF’s search and rescue ship Bourbon Argos last week when news came in about three devastating shipwrecks in the Mediterranean. He describes what happens when the crew receives a distress call. “We heard the news of the first...
(Continue of Gogrial - Paradise of kindness and brutality (1) ) As there are only two doctors, me and another Burmese physician Kyi, weekend rest days do not really exist. One particular Sunday, I stroll jauntily towards the two buildings that...
The mornings begin with stepping out of my tukul (mud hut), blinking sleepily against the brilliant violets and roaring oranges of an African sunrise. The glorious glow illuminates the sharp rays of towering palm tree fronds, ripe with heavy and...