Blogs & Stories

Since August 2017, near 600,000 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar have crossed the border to escape violence there. Ian Cross is a doctor working with Doctor Without Borders / MSF in a health clinic treating refugees. He shares the story of a very...
Kate White, Emergency Medical Coordinator with Médecins Sans Frontières in Bangladesh “Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of people crammed along a narrow peninsula trying to find what shelter they can. It’s essentially a massive rural slum...
The first surprise was the sheer size of the attack on Marawi City by pro- Islamic State fighters. The crisis since – with 360,000 people displaced, and heavy combat into its fifth month – is equally unprecedented, leaving the Mindanao region of the...
Despite the end of Colombia’s 50-year long conflict with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) in November 2016, the country still faces many challenges. Other armed groups and criminal organizations are still active...
Dr. Tor Deng is a general practitioner working for MSF in Abyei, a region with special administrative status between Sudan and South Sudan. After graduating from medical school in Khartoum, he decided to come back to Abyei, his home region. He...