Blogs & Stories

Beatrice Lau, Head of Mission for Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Malaysia On 25 August, it will be one year since the biggest ever displacement of Rohingya refugees from Rakhine state, Myanmar. Over 706,000 Rohingya fled...
Arunn Jegan is an Australian Project Coordinator who recently returned from his second field assignment in Taiz, Yemen. Senseless violence, lawlessness, resilient people tired of conflict, and a nation in chaos: these were my impressions of Yemen...
Dr. Peter Ng is an emergency doctor from Hong Kong. He started his first MSF mission in June 2017 in Hammam al-Alil, a town south of Mosul, Iraq where he provided surgical care and attended the medical needs of those displaced by the conflict. In...
Aloys Vimard, project coordinator for MSF onboard Aquarius “We are currently in international waters in between Malta and Sicily’s shores. There are 629 people onboard: among them 11 small children, 123 unaccompanied minors, more than 80 women and...
Dr Lim Chin Siah, Medical Activity Manager of MSF Raqqa Clinic with two of his local Syrian colleagues. ©Lim Chin Siah By Dr Lim Chin Siah, Medical Activity Manager at MSF’s Raqqa Clinic Every morning I would make the walk to reach MSF’s Raqqa...