Blogs & Stories

The hospital director and many of the interns were there and they were insistent: “You NEED to get them out of here. They need to survive. This is our hope”.
When I ran from triage to the red zone with our first emergency patient to put them onto the resuscitation bed, the nurse working there immediately started checking “ABCDE”. The nurse squeezed the Ambu bag and gently inflated the baby’s lungs. One, two, three, four, five.
Xavier Kernizan is an orthopedic surgeon who normally works at MSF's Tabarre hospital in Port-au-Prince. Since the 14 August earthquake, he has been working with an MSF surgical team in Jérémie.
Access to good menstrual hygiene is key to women’s health and wellbeing. But too often in humanitarian crises, their needs go unmet. Can an innovative approach find a culturally appropriate solution to this problem? As part of International Menstrual Hygiene Day 2021, Chiara Domenichini introduces a new project that’s aiming to find out…
The fighting between the Israeli military and Palestinian armed groups, principally Hamas, broke out once again after weeks of tensions in occupied East Jerusalem, which has been illegally annexed by Israel. Aymen al Djaroucha is Palestinian who has lived in Gaza for 20 years. He is currently the Project Coordinator for MSF, and here he recounts the extreme violence that is taking place in the blockaded enclave.