Blogs & Stories

I grew up abroad and have spent a large part of my life living and working in different cultures. Studying physics, working as software engineer, owning a bar in Paris and running a security company in the Middle East seem to make me a typical log...
The announcement of the presidential election result is today - apparently there are protests in several places in Port-au-Prince and therefore MSF has tightened up the security measures and reduced movements to only the absolutely essential ones. I...
Being a first missioner sent to Sierra Leone as a Financial Coordinator, I was at first very stereotype, thinking Africa was purely linked to the words of poverty, hunger, sympathetic. So when I set my foot on the African land, I saw images which I...
06.45 My alarm goes off. No power in the house, but as this is a daily occurrence I’ve got used to walking around in semi dark. The annoying thing this morning is that there is no water. Bugger. Oh well I’ll have to at least wash my hands with...
Kamla was born in a remote Indian village Where conflicts between Maoists and government are long and lasting Villagers live in fear No basic healthcare, bad transportation, The instability worsens the problems No choices, childbirth is always at...