Blogs & Stories

The mango season is over here in Gweru, but everything else, for me, is just beginning. The slow learning of language and landscape that makes me feel like an infant again. Adjusting to a climate that finds me shivering in the early hours and then...
How do you feed a baby with no maman? To most of us, the answer to this question is not complicated: formula milk. When I ask this question in Central African Republic(CAR); peoples expressions become serious and dark; "impossible". I started asking...
I come from a country with a good healthcare system. I come from a country where resources seem endless. I have come to a place where nothing is certain and everything is complicated. It has been a huge adjustment to work here. Working in Boguila is...
We have moved to a newly open hospital, which is solely run by MSF. It’s a new centre for post-operative care in the Sarthe area of Port-au-Prince. All trauma patients from MSF centres in Martissant, Cite Soleil and Chancerelle have been referred to...
© MSF Hey all! I hope you are all well. Any more news from home/ rest of the world? I'm exhausted after the last few weeks and half asleep at the moment. Patients keep coming and they seem to present more sick each time. I'm tired of seeing people...