ANGOLA:MSF launches an emergency intervention in Uige province following a Marburg fever outbreak

In total, 17 MSF international staff, including doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, logisticians, and water-and-sanitation specialists - several with work experience in Ebola outbreaks, will take part in this intervention.

Luanda - MSF has launched an emergency intervention in Uige province following an epidemic outbreak of Marburg disease, a fever similar to Ebola. A 12-people team arrived in Uige last weekend with medical and logistical material to help Angolan Ministry of Health manage the crisis. In total, 17 expatriates including doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, logisticians and water and sanitation specialists, some with work experience in Ebola outbreaks will take part in this intervention.

Initial activities in Uige included a bio-security training for health staff as well as the implementation of isolation measures in the hospital, before starting treating patients. On 22nd March MSF donated 120 units of protective gear to Uige hospital. A module of Ebola kit has been also sent to Uige from Luanda.

Currently, there are five people infected of Marburg disease in Uige's hospital and one suspected case in Luanda. In addition, two deaths suspected of Marburg disease have been reported in Luanda. Since November last year, 101 suspected cases of Marburg have been reported in the hospital of Uige. 93 patients have already died. Most of the affected persons are children under one. Three nurses were also infected.

Last week, 12 samples where tested positive for Marburg fever by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) of Atlanta. Another eight cases have been reported in the area of Uige and one - a 15 year old patient coming from Uige - in Luanda, on March 22nd.

A Multi-sectorial Team has been created on March 19th to manage and advise during the crisis. The team includes members of the Ministry of Health, the WHO, the CDC and MSF.
