A malnourished girl in southern Ethiopia (2): Three days after the admission

"The people in our village told me to come here, to the MSF clinic, because my children would get food and medication. I hope my two girls will get better quickly," said Subo, the mother of Sheleme and Kutuba. She doesn't seem worried. She has an air of confidence and trust that is almost overwhelming.

Nevertheless, Sheleme and Kutuba are suffering from severe malnutrition- the girls are still in danger of dying. Three days after their admission, there is still no room for optimism. In light of this, the assistant nutritionists continue to give the girls the F75 milk 8 times a day from six in the morning until 3 at night.

"Katuba is losing the oedemas on her feet, she's healing well", explains Julie, one of the nurses at the centre. "Since yesterday she's been able to take F100, a therapeutic milk that is thicker than what we give in the transition stage, it's the next step in the nutritional schedule."

Sheleme is still in a stable condition; her gaze is continuously cast downwards. The oedemas haven't been stamped out of her but she's taking the F75 milk relatively well. Besides a few episodes of vomiting, she's reacting well to the treatment. It's impossible to imagine the little girl she was before malnutrition racked her face and body.

Along with 170 other hospitalized children at the centre, Sheleme and Kutuba can expect another night under plenty of covers and under constant medical surveillance. July nights are cold in Kuyera and children weakened by severe malnutrition must avoid hypothermia at all costs.
