Armed Conflict

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders (MSF) has suspended most of its activities in Maban, South Sudan, after suffering a violent attack on Monday 23 July. Yesterday morning, a group of unidentified armed men broke into MSF office and compound, looting the organisation and staff’s...
Arunn Jegan is an Australian Project Coordinator who recently returned from his second field assignment in Taiz, Yemen.
Senseless violence, lawlessness, resilient people tired of conflict, and a natio
One year since the battle between the Islamic State (IS) group and the Iraqi forces officially ended in Mosul, the health system is still in ruins and struggling to cope as thousands of people continue to return to the city, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said today. During...
Dr. Akin Chan
Stepping onto the Syrian territory once again, after 18 years, I have a mixed feeling.
© Agnes Varraine-Leca/MSF Since December 2017 the international coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has intensified its airstrikes against the Houthis in northwest Yemen, leaving the inhabitants more exposed than ever. Just a few kilometres from the frontline is Haydan...
Since the end of April, the conflict-ravaged counties of Leer and Mayendit, in South Sudan’s north, have once again been wracked by violence. Thousands of people are caught between the frontlines of the fighting, and health facilities have been attacked. The high level of violence prevents many...
Patients’ requirements for medical care do not change when frontlines move and control shifts from one group to another in the ongoing Syrian war. After seven years of being denied access, Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) once again requests the Syrian government to grant...
Since the start of the “March of Return” movement from 1st of April, MSF teams in Gaza have provided treatment and post-operative care to people injured by gunshots during the demonstrations. Deadly clashes has happened in Gaza strip today. As teams from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) treat people...
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