Armed Conflict

Since 1st of April, MSF teams in Gaza have provided post-operative care to more than 500 people injured by gunshots during the March of Return demonstrations. The number of patients treated in our clinics over the last three weeks is more than the number we treated throughout all of 2014, when...
Since the start of the “March of Return” movement, hundreds of severely wounded patients have flocked to MSF’s three medical clinics in Gaza. The patients are mainly young men, in their twenties. They describe their desperation, the impossibility of finding a job, the extreme poverty, the feeling...
Recent violence in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has displaced over 300,000 people from their homes, and awakened memories of the conflict that affected the region in the early 2000s. Houses have been burnt, around 200 people have been killed and scores of others wounded. The...
The number of patients injured by landmines, booby traps and explosives doubled between November 2017 and March 2018. Half of the victims were children, some as young as one. This alarming trend comes as more people return home after fighting subsided in the governorates of Raqqa, Hassakeh and Deir...
By Meinie Nicolai, nurse and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) General Director Most people in East Ghouta live underground. Medical care is increasingly provided in basements. What is happening there cannot bear the light of day. I recently spoke to one of the directors of a hospital MSF has been...
MSF calls for an immediate ceasefire to enable the basic human act of helping the sick and wounded Casualty numbers in Syria’s besieged East Ghouta enclave are soaring beyond imagination as the capacity to provide healthcare is in its final throes , said Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today...
Mass casualty influxes, with hundreds of dead and wounded, have been reported to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) by medical facilities the medical aid organization supports in the opposition-controlled East Ghouta besieged enclave near Damascus in Syria. This comes amid an extraordinary increase in...
Omar Ahmed Abenza, MSF head of mission for northwestern Syria, gives an overview of the situation today in this fraught region: “On February 8, a health centre in Mishmishan in northwestern Syria’s Idlib region was hit by an airstrike. This is another step towards disaster in this troubled zone...
A hospital in northern Syria supported by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has been hit in an aerial attack. At around 10:20 am on Monday 29 January, Owdai hospital (also known as Al Ihsan hospital) in Saraqab City in Idlib Governorate was damaged by two airstrikes, which...
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