
A lack of funds and supplies has crippled cholera treatment programs in Haiti, leading to unnecessary deaths and increasing the risk of greater outbreaks during the upcoming rainy season, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said. In recent evaluations of public health facilities in four Haitian...
© Corinne BAKER/MSF
MSF teams have just completed a preventive cholera vaccination campaign in and around the refugee camps in Maban County, South Sudan. 105,000 refugees in four camps and 27,500 residents of the area were vaccinated, with the aim of preventing possible cholera cases. With the cooperation of the South...
Two years after the cholera epidemic began, the continued treatment of patients is still not certain, even at a time when the population is still largely exposed to the risks of contamination. In Port-au-Prince, more than 350,000 survivors of the earthquake are still being housed in camps, and many...
Cholera is on the increase on both sides of the border between Sierra Leone and Guinea, in West Africa, aided by the onset of the rainy season. More than 13,000 people have been admitted to hospital in the capital cities of Freetown and Conakry since February, when the disease was declared an...
Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown is currently struggling to contain a cholera outbreak, which has affected over 1500 people and claimed at least 17 lives in the city. MSF, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, is already running three cholera treatment units in the city, and has treated over...
MSF is responding to increased cases of acute watery diarrhoea among children and adults in the southern-Somali city of Kismayo. We are admitting more patients every day. Kismayo is densely populated so there is risk that the disease will spread further within the community. A rapid test among a...
Fighting resumed in early July in the region of Rutshuru, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), after a brief lull. Rebels of the March 23, 2009 movement (M23) advanced towards the towns of Jomba Chengerero, Rwanguba and Bunagana until they took control of Rutshuru and Kiwanja on Sunday, July 8. "...
Jordan: Syrian patients in Amman hospital Mali crisis: Desert refugees Nigeria : Lead poisoning Haiti: Severe burns unit Kenya : Victims of sexual violence Guinea : Cholera vaccination
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) medical teams in Middle Shabelle have responded to a cholera outbreak detected in the region late March. The confirmation of the first cholera case prompted the humanitarian organisation to open a Cholera Treatment Centre (CTC) in Balcad (Middle Shabelle) on March...
Cholera cases are on the rise in Haiti following the onset of the rainy season, and the country is not adequately prepared to combat the deadly disease, the international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said today. While Haiti’s Ministry of Health and Populations...
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