
DR Congo: An alarming surge in malaria Chad: On the brink of a peak in malnutrition Paraguay: The scourge of the vinchuca Uzbekistan: Tuberculose shows resistance Haiti: Medical certificates for cholera patients
With the rainy season now underway in Haiti, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has seen an increase in the number of cholera patients. Admissions to MSF's treatment centers in Port-au-Prince and Léogâne have more than tripled in less than one month. New patients arrive daily at MSF's cholera treatment...
More than 150,000 people are currently being vaccinated near Conakry, the capital of Guinea, where a cholera epidemic has broken out. For the first time, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is responding to a cholera outbreak in Africa by carrying out a mass vaccination campaign. In Guinea, MSF team is...
On 25th of April, the annual World Malaria Day, many health organisations will highlight important gains in fighting this deadly disease that claims more than one million lives every year. But despite notable progress in terms of innovation and investment, MSF continues to see continuously high...
© Yasmin RABIYAN
A cholera epidemic in Chad in 2010-2011 was the largest to hit the country in the last 15 years, with more than 17, 000 registered cases. Over the last year MSF has treated more than 12,700 patients, approximately three quarters of all the cases in the country. In order to prevent another emergency...
Cholera has spread across all districts of Cameroon’s economic capital, Douala, home to 2.1 million people. The cholera epidemic was officially declared 14 months ago, in September 2010, and has peaked and troughed a number of times since then. In March/April, during the 'short rainy season',...
One year since the start of the ongoing cholera epidemic in Haiti, people all over the country are still threatened by the deadly disease. Healthcare services and measures to prevent the spread of cholera are still inadequate, medical aid organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warned. “Haitian...
Cholera is still rife in Haiti and far from under control. Having ravaged other parts of the island in June, it is now returning to the Haitian capital with a vengeance. According to figures from the Ministry of Public Health and Population, at the end of August over 446,000 people had been...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is currently battling outbreaks of cholera and measles in and around the town of Marere in southern Somalia. Marere and the surrounding villages of Jilib, Keytoy and Osman Moto are host to around five thousand displaced Somalis, who have fled conflict and drought...
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