
MSF has treated 26 injured patients, 15 of whom had bullet wounds, in Port-au-Prince Since the start of demonstrations in Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, December 7, MSF has treated 26 injured patients, 15 of whom had bullet wounds. Two MSF ambulances continue to travel the city’s streets, picking up...
51,000 patients treated by MSF since the beginning of the epidemic Between October 22 and December 5, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has treated more than 51,000 people with cholera symptoms in Haiti, including 1,100 every day over the past week. MSF currently runs 40 treatment facilities...
Interview with Michelle MAYS, MSF nurse Michelle Mays first went to Haiti with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) just after the earthquake last January. This November, in the midst of the cholera outbreak in the country, she returned to spend three weeks working as a nurse supervisor at MSF’s cholera...
From October 22 to November 28, MSF teams have treated more than 41,000 people for cholera and cholera-like symptoms in cholera treatment centers (CTCs) established in Port-au-Prince, Artibonite region, north, and northwest of the country. MSF has established 30 CTCs in the country—13 in Port-au-...
While cholera spreads, slow deployment of relief is major concern “Critical shortfalls in the deployment of well-established measures to contain cholera epidemics are undermining efforts to stem the ongoing cholera outbreak in Haiti”, said the international medical humanitarian organization...
On Tuesday, the Haitian government announced that the death toll from the cholera outbreak that began last month had surpassed 1,000. MSF teams saw cases increasing across the country with particular spikes in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and the northern cities of Cap Haitien, Port de Paix, and...
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) continues to step up its response to the growing number of patients in Port-au-Prince experiencing the clinical symptoms of cholera. As is the case in other MSF health facilities, rising numbers of patients have been admitted to Choscal Hospital, a Haitian Ministry of...
Cholera Outbreak Outstripping Existing Treatment Capacity in Capital Since a cholera epidemic was first confirmed in October in Haiti’s Artibonite region, Médecins Sans Frontières teams have treated more than 10,000 suspected cases nationwide. In addition to MSF’s 3,000 staff members in Haiti, more...
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