
Four months after Haiti's devastating earthquake, MSF's teams continue to adjust their activities to meet the changing, but still major, medical needs. The organization continues to provide primary and secondary care to the population at no cost, working out of approximately 20 sites and operating...
While the majority of the Haitian population is still extremely vulnerable, the UN donor conference to be held in New York on 31 March must not take measures that would limit the access to health care of the population, says international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Since...
Two months after the January 12 earthquake, medical needs remain immense in Haiti and living conditions are extremely precarious. Although the phase of urgent life-saving medical care has passed there continues a critical emergency context, in which thousands of people need post-operative care,...
Two staff members of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), abducted on March 5 inPort-au-Prince, Haiti were safely released today ( March 11, 2010, Port-au-Prince time ). “We are immensely relieved. Our colleagues are out, are safe and are in good health,” said Jean-Sebastien MATTE, Head of Mission for...
Seven weeks after the earthquake of January 12, which left up to 300,000 people injured, medical needs remain immense in Haiti, and they continue to grow. A crucial phase has begun, in which thousands of injured people require long term medical care just as some health providers that responded to...
One month after the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti, the numbers are still difficult to digest: more than 200,000 deaths, 300,000 injured and hundreds of thousands made homeless. From day one, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams have been providing life-saving surgery and care. The needs...
One of the emerging trends in MSF's medical work in Haiti is the return to prominence of what could be described as some of the normal illnesses and conditions amongst people coming to the hospitals and clinics. The very considerable gaps in the country's healthcare provision before the earthquake...
MSF's emergency wards in Haiti are still treating large numbers of patients but the nature of their injuries or conditions is gradually changing. There are fewer appearing with wounds directly caused by the earthquake but now the indirect consequence on people's health is showing itself as more...
The range of work that MSF is now carrying out in Haiti with the survivors of the earthquake has been increasing as the needs and priorities shift but the core medical services in hospitals and clinics still dominate. Examples of those come from projects in Port au Prince, where the teams are...
The core medical activities in Haiti are still very much about treating people who were injured in the quake, with surgery continuing and post operative care expanding. But as Rosa CRESTANI, one of MSF's Emergency Medical Coordinators explains, there is a second phase underway, in which the...
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